Sunday, February 24, 2019

Dr Phil Feb 23, 2019 Best Watch Episodes 2019 - 123

 Dr Phil Feb 23, 2019 Best Watch Episodes 2019 - 123
 Dr Phil Feb 23, 2019 Best Watch Episodes 2019 - 123
The social worker in me feels for all parties involved and how each domino in the chain of events could have been prevented or addressed. That being said, these criminals don't need to be publicised and immortalised this way. Other troubled young white men (the typical school shooter profile) see these and have get the idea that they can be legends too.

Sad very sad for this young man,, terrible he lost his mother they should have gotten him help then if he posted these things why didn't anybody help him put him in for a mental health crisis center ,,, this didn't have to happen,,, terrible these children lost their lives and got hurt,,, tragedy all the way around, , prayers of peace for all the famlies,,
Is he crazy? We don't know enough about the human brain to be sure, but HE LEGALLY OWNED AJ AR15! That's crazy. The real thing, whacko, bats-in-the-attic, nuts, no debate necessary. If automatic or semi-automatic guns were unavailable, or available - at great expense - only on a black market, shoot ups would lose their appeal.
OK USA. Why guns? It's not rocket science - what are guns for? If you own a weapon it's only to KILL or DISABLE someone or something - that's it. And what's good about that? So much crap on TV and movies .......... don't always blame the kids saturated with this stuff. This is a terrible thing to happen but it will continue to happen while gun laws in the USA support the use Of firearms without some kind of control. MAGA.
The NRA has successfully lobbied Congress to block gun regulations. They've also lobbied against the CDC researching gun violence. They have made it so the CDC isn't allowed to research gun violence. Think about that, the CDC isn't allowed to conduct their own research.
This is the first Dr Phil show that I totally disagree with the Dr. "There are thousands of kids who have threatened or made these same remarks who has never done anything"... OMW... But the ONE who does follow through with his warnings?????????? Wha is your message here Dr Phil???? "All kids, in fact thousands say the same thing, we cant react on each of them?"...... No No NO
I know my head is going to be chewed off here, but why are there so many school shootings in America? We never hear of these from any other country as much as in America. Why do these shooters have these guns freely available to them and why are these shooters doing this.. I would HATE to send my daughter to school everyday if we lived in America, thank goodness we dont!
Satan is alive and well and dwelling on our beautiful Earth, unfortunately, here to do only one thing: to torment us by the taking away of our beautiful children. To use the mind of a teenager to do horrible things is beyond diabolical and bears nothing else like it. What else would it be for a child to start hearing voices to kill others? Pray people, pray like you've never prayed before. Lift up those who would spread love and be loved, but seek to find out the earthly truths. Children don't just wake up one morning and decide to kill people! Who is putting this into their minds? Could it be the most diabolical entity that ever lived? Satanic forces hate love.


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