Thursday, February 21, 2019

Dr Phil Feb 20, 2019 Best Watch Episodes 2019 - 120

 Dr Phil Feb 20, 2019 Best Watch Episodes 2019 - 120
 Dr Phil Feb 20, 2019 Best Watch Episodes 2019 - 120

Dennis needs professional psychiatric help. He is delusional and abusive. He is not God. Not even close. He is a meak human being like the rest of us. He just needs to feel special inside for whatever reason. What a weirdo.
I jumped on one of his live readings about a year ago, I played him a long like everything he was saying was true, I had an auntie Gertrude and he went off on a rant, he was not right on one single thing he touched on!!
You could at least be honest about the date of the episode. There is nothing wrong with you uploading old episodes and it would actually be much appreciated if you were not lying for views as some of these episodes are hard to find. This episode is from 2017.

This man is scaring me. If he was a man of God he would know the Bible. Also if he was God’s messenger he would not be doing physic reading. He is proclaiming to be be God prophet. Different thing completely.
2nd time Dr Phil has had someone on thinking they are pocahontas maybe he should have his mate Elizabeth Warren on here make it a triplet episode
Yes the Grandmother and Mother deffintly needed too intervean.She is concernd health and safty well being of her Grand children.she should have been takeing her Daughter children away.And the Daughter needs help.too get away from this person .Dennis he is deffinlty a Brain washer..telling some one just too up and leave take your children away from Grandmother because the Grandmother is evil.With out even knowing the story behind it.This mother is brain wash.This is awful.Id see the grandmother is talking rational.And the dauther is speeking illrational.And she isnt thinking clear.Because how can you say that your God? Wheres is his credentals.And he isnt speeking through God.Then there wouldent be thees allgations or conflicts.How can Dennis know all about some one if you dont know trully know them.He is controductive.And judge mental.if he cannot answer questions about him being a medum from god and proove it.And demanding money.which is quite awful.He needs too be removed from this man too be taken away.He is not what he is truthfully saying.he is.Id think the Grandmother / Mother and then his Grandmother says that dennis isnt safe either .
They're both mentally ill, but he seems to know he's mentally ill and seems to be using it to his advantage, which terrifies me. This is the kind of person that will commit murder because "God told me to."
That guy is sooo ugly. And a nut case. Weirdest guy. Geez. Dr. Phil lets some weird stuff on his show. This guy is sooo crazy and Dr Phil is just letting him run wtf
this guy is a quack and he sucked this girl into turning against her mother. not sure God's messenger would turn a daughter against her mother. what a loser. he is rude and crude. her mother is just looking out for her grandchildren.


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