Sunday, February 24, 2019

Dr Phil Feb 24, 2019 Best Watch Episodes 2019 - 124

 Dr Phil Feb 24, 2019 Best Watch Episodes 2019 - 124
 Dr Phil Feb 24, 2019 Best Watch Episodes 2019 - 124

I took in a homeless woman because of weather conditions, a hurricane approaching. Only problem, once it passed, she wouldn’t leave. She sat on my couch, watched TV, made a general mess, did nothing to help, messed up the bathroom. I had to put her collection of stuff on the lawn and change the locks. After a threat of violence, I collected her stuff, brought it to a church that was helping her, and got an order of protection. After that I never heard from her again. It sounds by this story that I got off lucky!
When you're a foster parent it's your job to keep those children SAFE!!! They are already delicate more than other children. Some have been molested in their birth parents care and often in any foster homes they may have been in before they we're given to a decent foster family. She did fail by bringing in a stranger she knows nothing about! I have witnessed this too often. This woman could have abused the kids she had and lost custody of. Should have found another building to help out the homeless or better yet use those CHURCH BUILDINGS lol Provide canceling and resources as well as job training. Depending on each person's needs


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