Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Dr Phil Feb 26, 2019 || Dr Phil Episodes 26

 Dr Phil Feb 26, 2019 || Dr Phil Episodes 26
 Dr Phil Feb 26, 2019 || Dr Phil Episodes 26

Sorry BUT if I have to listen to the rubbish about either wishing or having or now being a "Christian home' once more WHEN |the atrocities commuted within such hones , places of  worship etc are well documented 
without it being picked up.on and places well & truly in the hypocrisy  lying category  !!!!!  Apart from which it denigrates other belief  systems ALL of which are moral codes if conduct without the " going to church on Sunday   in new cloths etc .

I kicked my biological bitch out of my life finally 6 yrs ago. She violated my trust and hurt me so much I now have nothing left for her but pity and rage. She can die alone because I have nothing left for her. She ruined my life. When people are this toxic, you need to just move on.


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