Thursday, February 21, 2019

Dr Phil Full Episodes 93 | Still Missing Where Is 7 Year Old Kyron? | Feb 19, 2019

 Dr Phil Full Episodes 93 | Still Missing Where Is 7 Year Old Kyron? | Feb 19, 2019
 Dr Phil Full Episodes 93 | Still Missing Where Is 7 Year Old Kyron? | Feb 19, 2019

This was so disturbing I had to skip ahead. She is a dolt for asking for more abuse from this idiot. He has no redeeming qualities. The “Christian counselor” says I think this family is committed and can make it.... pulease! He is trash.
I was all happy for a sec coz I was trying to look for the episode about Kyron and then quickly disappointed that this wasn't the episode even though it states it is, that's just stupid and irritating
I hate that these two involved their kids in the meeting about finances. The wife should have known more and the kids should have known less. My little 8 year old great niece recently came to me very worried because her dead beat dad lost another job and they were broke. She shouldn't know anything about that!
For a man as smart as Dr. Phil, he sure turns a blind eye to white collar criminals who use religion for personal financial gain and not to help the country in a meaningful through Christian work. He's an expert at getting people to see clearly what's before them, but his own clarity fails when it comes to likes of Paula White and Joel Osteen. This hurts my image of Dr. Phil. He's not practicing what he preaches. (No pun intended.)
This poor woman. This is the affect if years of grooming this woman to question nothing he does. I can't believe they are insisting she saw signs. Maybe she did but she was trained or brain washed to not question them.
Wrong title...This Dr. Phil show is about a sorry POS husband who's been cheating on his wife for years with hookers, etc. Wife is crazy to think she wants to still be married to him...She shows very little emotion....2nd Part - Little Isaiah, 18 months old - was severely injured, extensive brain damage when a drunk & high teen crashed into his stroller...Dr. Phil Foundation has opened an account for us to help, but I can't find it...Please give me a link in you find it.
Women: pay attention to your family finances! This actually goes for men too. Never let one spouse be 100% in charge of money. Look at bank statements. Do whatever it takes to be informed about your family's financial health. This poor woman might have been able to stop this in its tracks early in she was aware of the financial problems he was creating.
OMG. Absolutely disgusting. If any man ever put my life at risk like that I would NEVER have another thing to do with him! People don't seem to be concerned at ALL about STDs. People need to wake up!!!! He's sleeping with all these women and not using protection all the time???? There are diseases out there that once you have them you can't get rid of them!!! Then he's pissing away the family's money on this despicable behavior!!! And then to air their dirty laundry on national tv. 😫😭😡I don't know how she can stand to even sit next to him let alone remain married to him. The poor daughter! How is she going to be affected by this crap being on tv???
all the whiny voices and crybaby faces but.... no tears. she an "I'm a poor victim" crybaby. it's obvious she's out for attention otherwise she'd be gone from that relationship. that man is disgusting and she's a fool.
Wow, when I started this episode I thought this man has got to be one of the most disgusting human beings on earth.. and then in the end they bring a guy who ran over a baby. WTF is wrong with humanity!
She is as stupid as he is disgusting. The only real victim is the daughter because this women seems to stick around for anything. She is now a willing participant because she knows and she stays. They are both extremely disturbed and dysfunctional as human beings. Shame the daughter isn’t removed.
I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe that any woman would want to have sex with this creep unless he was paying them. There's nothing worse than a ugly, arrogant, selfish, lying wanna be playboy that is too delusional to see that his wife is absolutely beautiful and way out of his league
I feel her pain big time. I have one of those kinds of husbands who think they can get away with anything. At one point after I busted him, walked in on his meeting up with his whore, I told him to make a choice. Have your little whore or have a life with me - choose! In retrospect, I wish I had just let him go with his hooker girlfriend because now I'm stuck with this jackass. My dear ladies, if you have one like that RUN!
That woman is a idiot one she involved her child by telling her that her husband cheated on us “ the Dad is Not married to his child he didn’t cheat on us he cheated on his wife and the wife should’ve involved her child until she decided she needed to leave him


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